the Dordogne department launches a support plan for producers

The Dordogne departmental council wants to do its part to help poultry farmers. While the bird flu figures are dizzying, with more than 180,000 animals slaughtered in two weeks in Périgord, the entire industry and its more than 700 breeders are in danger. Germinal Peiro, the president of the department, announces this Thursday, April 14 a support plan for producers, broken down into several points. It is intended to help restart the sector after the crisis.

The most important measure concerns the “development of a territorial autonomy in ducklings and goslings”. The department wants to help finance the establishment of hatcheries and breeding farms in Périgord. “Today, we are dependent on other departments for the supply of ducklings and goslings. spread the health crisis. A few years ago we launched a goose plan, with a breeding herd. If we need two, we will put two, if we need three, we will put three”assures Germinal Peiro.

New hatcheries and a slaughterhouse in Sarladais

The president of the department also wishes to help breeders to pay for investments in biosecurity facilities for farms, and to develop a major communication campaign to highlight their products. He also wants “to support the modernization and development of slaughter structures”particularly “the creation of a slaughter and cutting workshop in Sarladais”. In the short term, the department will put to the vote on May 16 the payment at its own expense of 40% of the cost of the swab analyzes of breeders.

It remains to implement this plan to obtain the agreement of the State, on these areas which are not necessarily the competence of the Departmental Council. “This sector is essential to the image of Périgord, foie gras is an identity product of Périgord. I am ready for the department to get behind it”emphasizes Germinal Peiro.

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