The documentary of the week | Adonis: behind the armor of muscles

We often hear that it is not easy to get boys to talk. Those on which Jérémie Battaglia focuses his camera, mirrored cabinets around 20 years old, correspond exactly to the cliché of the guy who doesn’t speak. They open up to him. What they say in his documentary Adonis is sometimes very worrying.

The role models we present to boys and men have changed radically in recent decades. If skinny Mick Jagger could have been a sex symbol in the 1960s, now every Hollywood actor flaunts ripped muscles, even if he’s playing the romantic love interest in a film like La La Land. The masculine ideal that the young men interviewed by director Jérémie Battaglia aim for in Adonis is, however, of another order. They are real Mr. Muscles for whom training is an extreme sport.

An extreme and dangerous sport.

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