“The doctors who accompanied the president provided emergency aid”, Volodymyr Zelenski victim of a car accident this night!

The night from Wednesday to Thursday was not easy for the Ukrainian president who found himself in the heart of a road accident.

“The doctors who accompanied the president provided emergency assistance to the driver of the automobile and transferred him to an ambulance”explained his spokesperson, Serguiï Nikiforov.

“The president was examined by a doctor, no serious injuries were detected. Law enforcement will investigate all the circumstances of the accident”we also learn about Volodymyr Zelensky.

A video released shortly after the crash shows Zelensky speaking to inform his people of yet another victory. The latter indeed indicated that he was returning from the Kharkiv region and assured that “almost the entire region has been liberated”. The Russian troops would therefore have been dislodged.

On Twitter, this time, images of the accident in question have been circulating for a few hours. An event for which investigations have started but which, fortunately, had no tragic end.

See also: War in Ukraine: the straightforward announcement of actor Alain Delon, more committed than ever!

Apolline Demarchelier

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