the doctors discover a nodule on his vocal cords and annihilate his dreams!

Usually so discreet, Amandine Petit has decided to openly confide in her private life, her projects, her childhood dreams, or even her moments of doubt. Moments she evokes in her book “I decided to dare”published on May 17, 2023 by Editions First. A work that the former Miss France qualifies as “new challenge” and in which she “unveils [ses] moments of doubt, hardships and dreams fulfilled”.

The ex-partner of Anthony Colette in “Dance with the stars”, 25, never thought she would get to where she is today. Shy by nature, she never really believed in herself, as she explains in her book. But thanks “to perseverance, energy and the will to succeed”she managed to “trust each other” And “take your chance”.

See also: Indira Ampiot (Miss France 2023) on the verge of losing her title: Big revelations a few days after her coronation

Amandine Petit leaving for the radio

If she is today fulfilled in her life, Amandine Petit admits that she would not be against doing radio. Especially since the ex-beauty queen has already done so during her reign, as she reminded Damien Canivez and Sarah Lecoeuvre this Tuesday, June 13, in the Figaro Buzz TV. “I’ve already done it for two months. I loved it. And why not get back on the radio, it would be really something super interesting”she says very optimistic.

This would allow him to assume his voice despite the “defaults” of it and its side “pretty hoarse”, which differs. A voice that she “hated” when she was younger. “I was going to say it’s not a flaw. Why do you call it a flaw?”the cut then Damien Canivez, surprised by the image that Amandine Petit has of his voice.

A problem that deprived her of a “career”?

“Today it could become a strength, but when you’re small, and on top of that you’re shy and you don’t want to be heard, and you’re super tall, with a big voice like that here, it’s not easy to be discreet”, she confided with frankness. Indeed, his voice has made him suffer a lot in the past.

“I have a vocal cord on both which says to itself ‘I don’t want to function’. When I was little I had a nodule on one of the two vocal cords”, he finally reveals during the interview. In fact, when the former candidate of “Dance with the stars” East “too tired” she takes the risk of “no longer having a lot of voice”. “I could not have had a career as a singer although I would have liked to be Garou’s partner”she finally quips, no doubt disappointed not to have shared the stage with the Quebec artist.


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