The diVINes of Alsace – the Association of Women of the Vine

Grouping, exchanging, sharing, helping each other, promoting, passing on, enhancing, educating, getting involved… these are the key words of the diVINes d’Alsace.

Open to all cultural practices and all currents of thought, nearly fifty Alsace wine women met on April 13, 2011 and officially created this association.

Far from wanting to replace existing initiatives, the objective of this association is to be able to bring together broader profiles and allow everyone to participate actively in actions that are close to their hearts.

Women of the vine and wine, they are winegrowers, salespeople, promoters but also oenologists, organizer of competitions, wine merchants or sommeliers; all of them are motivated women who wish to get involved in helping to promote and ensure the success of Alsace wines.

To start, the members are planning themed tastings at the estates, a visit to the Vineyard Museum, a technical meeting before the harvest; meetings to get to know each other better and help each other. Then, commissions will be set up and allow thinking about larger format events…

Unprecedented in Alsace, this association also joins the national circle of “Women of Wine” alongside Burgundian, Bordeaux, Rhodanian, Provencal and other Languedoc women.

Presentation by Martine Becker:

The DiVINes of Alsace, the origin:

Women and wines, what has changed?

Is a wine made by a woman different?

what national significance for the DiVINes of Alsace?

The DiVINes d’Alsace website.

The DiVINes d’Alsace Facebook page.

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