the distress of the inhabitants of Cerisy-la-Forêt, who are struggling to find a doctor



Article written by

C. Guyon, E. de Miniac, J.-M. Guillaud, P.-M. From La Foata – franceinfo

France Televisions

Nearly 40 French departments would be below the critical threshold of 40 specialists per 100,000 inhabitants. Inequality in access to care often experienced as an injustice. Report in Cerisy-la-Forêt, in the Manche department.

In Cerisy-la-Forêt (Manche), in Normandy, the 1,400 inhabitants find themselves without a doctor. Ludivine Marie Leconte is worried. Despite her attempts, she cannot find a GP. “Every time I call a doctor, they don’t take new patients”, she explains. This is a problem for the mother who has a chronic skin disease. “I take care of myself”, she laments. She makes her own dressings and takes care of her own care.

In the village, she is far from being an isolated case. If some find a doctor, it is not always easy to go to the consultation. “We found a doctor while waiting, but you have to travel a few kilometers to get around”, says a resident. However, the town has a brand new medical center which cost 550,000 euros. However, since the retirement of the last two doctors, the mayor has still not found a replacement, despite his efforts. Without a solution, he would like the doctors of the neighboring municipalities to come and hold weekly hotlines.

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