the distress of the families of the hostages



Video duration:
2 min

War between Hamas and Israel: the distress of the families of the hostages

Tuesday, November 7, it has been a month since 247 hostages were held by Hamas in Gaza. In Tel Aviv, families and friends gather to share their sadness and anguish. Reporting. – (franceinfo)

Tuesday, November 7, it has been a month since 247 hostages were held by Hamas in Gaza. In Tel Aviv, families and friends gather to share their sadness and anxieties. Reporting.

Like every Saturday evening Tel Aviv (Israel)since the start of the war, the families of Israeli hostages have cried out in their pain.I do not have any more strenght. Please, I’ve been waiting for a month. I don’t know anything about her: where is she, is she eating, is she drinking?“, deplores the mother of one hostage. For these families, time stopped on October 7, because since then, only 5 of the 247 confined hostages have been released.

Psychological help

Around a table of SShabbatthere are so many empty chairs.You know when she comes back, we can’t really know what her mental condition will be. Maybe they will come back with their body, but without their soul“, worries the companion of a hostage. At heart of Tel Aviva building is dedicated to emergency aid to families.Psychologists have daily hours there.This forum is like their home. Some come every day. It’s like they can’t get by without“, explains Niva Ben Ziontherapist. Faced with the scale of the national trauma, doctors specializing in SPT organizes emergency training for 1,600 psychologists in the country.

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