the distance from the defendant and the emotion of the victim’s mother

After a trying day, where the director of investigation, the medical examiner and a computer expert detailed the facts at length, Priscillia’s relatives testified at the bar. Her mother first, Sophie Gonzalès held, moved to talk about her daughter: “I can’t live without her, I’m unhappy. You killed my baby”, she said trembling, her voice full of tears. She evokes a joyful, teasing, naive little girl who was not afraid of people.

With joined hands, this mother also confides in the guilt with which she constantly lives “There’s not a day when I don’t feel guilty for not having protected her….”


Priscillia’s older brother and little sister also wanted to pay tribute to their sister, whom they describe as “a love, an angel”. They also took the opportunity to directly challenge Damien Beyssel. “Why did you do that?”, sobs Erina the youngest “You killed my sister, you killed my soul, you are a monster!” In his box Damien Beyssel nods his head. He nods when told that he deserves a heavy sentence and even adds “Even if I can’t bring her back from the dead, maybe my death will ease their lives…”

A confusing personality

But at the start of this second day, the defendant first marked by his precise and cold answers. One of the lawyers for the civil parties, Me Brivet-Gallaup notes the “disconcerting spontaneity”, with which Damien Beyssel answers questions about his death instincts and his sexual urges “. During the hearing, in a weak but assured voice , his face still impassive, Damien B. says he can ‘be capable of carnage’. “After three years of treatment, it’s something that leaves you speechless,” reacts the lawyer for the civil parties.

Damien B. seems aware of the danger he represents, and does not want to get out of prison quickly, as confirmed by his lawyer, Me Alfort. “He knows it’s going to be a long road and right now, for him, being incarcerated for many years is beyond doubt. And I really think that today today for him it is not the issue.

The verdict of the trial is expected tomorrow.

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