The Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin will announce this Wednesday, July 21 in the Council of Ministers the dissolution of the Uprisings of the Earth. On franceinfo, Renaissance MEP Pascal Canfin believes that this dissolution must be “justified”.
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The environmental collective Les Uprisings of the Earth will be dissolved. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin will present the decree to the Council of Ministers on Wednesday. “We have a principle called freedom of association, so if we go against this principle, it has to be justified and for good reasons.“, recalls Renaissance MEP Pascal Canfin.
“In the end, and it is fortunate, it is the Council of State which will decide“, continues Pascal Canfin. The former director of WWF France, however, believes that “the actions carried out by this collective are widely open to criticism“, notably “violent action on organic market gardeners in Pays-de-la-Loire“, on June 11, during which the collective had torn the feet of lily of the valley from an experimental greenhouse.
For its part, The Uprisings of the Earth justified this act. “If we have chosen to symbolically replace and reseed lily of the valley with organic buckwheat (…), it is because we believe that all the land monopolized by this lobby should be returned to polyculture-breeding and diversified market gardening.“.
The collective mobilized against Lyon-Turin
“The actions against Lyon-Turin, which basically consists of replacing trucks with trains, do not really seem to me to be moving forward and allowing society to accelerate the ecological transition“, also criticizes Pascal Canfin, in reference to the demonstrations against an LGV project intended for freight and estimated “absurd” by its opponents including The Earth Uprisings.
The latter denounce in particular the artificialization of 1,500 hectares of agricultural land and want to favor the existing line, “used at only 20% of its freight capacity”.