the discount of 18 centimes per liter comes into force


Article written by

A. Girault-Carlier, N. Fleury J. Duboz, France 3 Grenoble, France 3 Poitiers, T. Dorseuil – France 3

France Televisions

Friday, April 1, government aid of 18 euro cents per liter of fuel comes into force, after several weeks of rising prices, linked to the war in Ukraine.

Friday 1st April, motorists eagerly awaited the discount of 18 euro cents per liter of fuel. “I do 800 km per week so it’s actually quite a budget at two euros per litre”testifies a man who waited for the 1st April to pay less. In several stations, fuel has dropped below the symbolic bar of two euros per liter.

However, some want a bigger discount. “I understood that in the liter of gasoline, there are a lot of taxes. If we can earn 18 cents, that’s good, obviously if we can go further, it will be even better”, says a motorist. This reduction is 17 cents per liter in Corsica and 15 cents in the Overseas Territories. The discount is paid directly to wholesalers, who pass it on to their price. The device, which will last four months, applies until July 31.

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