the discontent of the bosses of biology laboratories against Medicare

While the government plans to lower the prices for biology acts, arguing that Covid tests have filled their coffers during the epidemic, representatives of disgruntled biology laboratories will be received Monday evening by the director of Health Insurance.

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About ten days ago, representatives of disgruntled biology laboratories had already stopped transmitting the results of Covid-19 tests to Medicare for four days, to protest against the draft budget of the Social Security of the next year, adopted at first reading in the National Assembly on October 31 and which must be examined by the Senate Monday, November 7 in session.

>> Opposed to the Social Security budget, biologists threaten to stop feeding the Covid-19 test data file

In this text, the government plans to lower the prices of biology acts. He believes that the laboratories have already made a lot of profit during the Covid-19, in particular with the money that Social Security granted them for PCR tests. Monday, November 7, at 6 p.m., they will be received by the director of Medicare, Thomas Fatôme, and intend to be heard.

During the Covid outbreak, Social Security paid biology labs hundreds of millions of euros for testing as well as Covid-19 bonuses. In 2023, the government wants to save 250 million euros on this biology component. “It generated turnover, answers François Blanchecotte president of the union of biologists, and we agree to give back on these tests, we understand that.”

To make these savings, the government intends to lower the price of Covid-19 tests as of next year but also of all other biological acts, from 2023 and for the years to come. And this is where biologists disagree. “That means that at that point it’s no longer a public health issue, Francois Blanchecotte storm. We want to directly attack the management of the laboratories and this is obviously where the consequences can be very serious.

“This will affect all the laboratories in the territory and especially those which are desertified, with a major risk that some will close in the countryside.”

François Blanchecotte, president of the union of biologists

at franceinfo

If at the end of the meeting on Monday evening, the representatives of the biologists believe that they have not been heard, they will call for a strike from November 14.

The discontent of the bosses of biology laboratories against Health Insurance – the report by Solenne Le Hen

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