the disciplinary council proposes a warning for the head of the Gironde police force

On Tuesday, the disciplinary council before which appeared the Departmental Director of Public Security of Gironde (DDSP) unanimously proposed a warning against the police officer, eight months after the murder of Chahinez Daoud.

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The disciplinary council unanimously proposed on Tuesday to sanction the Departmental Director of Public Security (DDSP) of Gironde with a warning, Franceinfo learned from a source close to the matter. This police official appeared before this disciplinary council, like four other police officers, after the murder of Chahinez Daoud in May 2021 in Mérignac, near Bordeaux.

For the second commissioner, the disciplinary council unanimously proposes a temporary exclusion from office for three days suspended. He proposed – still unanimously – a warning for a brigadier, while the council was still working on the proposal of sanctions for two commanders at 4:40 p.m. These sanction proposals must now be approved by the General Directorate of the National Police (DGPN).

On May 4, 2021, Chahinez Daoud was burned alive in the middle of the street by her husband, from whom she was separating, even though she had lodged a complaint for violence a month and a half earlier. Her husband had already been convicted of domestic violence. A report from the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) after this femicide had revealed many dysfunctions in the management of the case of Chahinez.

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