The “disability compensation benefit” extended to people with mental disabilities from January 2023

This human aid, which allows people with disabilities to be assisted in daily tasks, has until now excluded a large number of people with a mental disability.

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For some, shopping or administrative procedures will no longer be an ordeal. As promised last October, people with an intellectual disability will soon be able to benefit from human assistance to carry out certain acts of daily life, the government announced on Wednesday 20 April.

In detail, this “disability compensation benefit” (PCH) was extended by decree to people who have a psychic, mental, cognitive disability or a neurodevelopmental disorder. Human aid may be granted from January 2023 if the person has difficulty “manage stress” in the face of the unexpected, or to carry out “multiple tasks” of daily life, such as the stages of preparing a meal, according to the decree. This device was tested in 2021 in the Ardennes, Gironde and Vosges.

Associations representing the people concerned have been calling for this reform for a long time. According to them, the criteria for awarding the PCH have so far excluded people with a mental disability: the beneficiary had to be unable to carry out essential daily activities on their own (washing, dressing, going to the toilet …). However, many people with a psychic handicap are not hampered for these daily gestures, but for other steps: shopping, going to the doctor, taking the bus… For that, they were not entitled so far no help.

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