the Directors’ Fortnight is renamed “Cineastes’ Fortnight” to be “more inclusive”

The Directors’ Fortnight, the main parallel selection of the Cannes Film Festival, was created in 1969 to offer auteur films without constraint of genre, format, duration or geographical origin.

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France Televisions

Writing Culture



Reading time : 1 min.

The Directors’ Fortnight becomes the Directors’ Fortnight for more inclusiveness and appoints a new general delegate at its head, Julien Rejl. The Society of Film Directors (SRF), which has overseen the event since its creation in 1969, chose this epicene term and decided to rename itself “Society of Film Directors”. at the annual general meeting held on Saturday June 25.

Julien Rejl, takes the reins of the Quinzaine des cinéastes, and replaces the Italian Paolo Moretti, who took office at the end of 2018. Julien Rejl works as a critic for the magazine SoFilm, for which he directed the festival in Nantes from June 22 to 26, 2022. He has coordinated the writing of several books on cinema. He is also working on a complete film project by filmmaker Chantal Akerman, who died in 2015.

He had previously directed the distribution at Capricci for ten years, accompanying filmmakers such as Philippe Garrel, Abel Ferrara, Hong Sang-soo or Tsaï Ming-liang.

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