the director of the Liberation Museum insists on the need to “remember the action” of Jean Moulin

Sylvie Zaidman recalls that Charles de Gaulle entrusted Jean Moulin with the mission of organizing a still “scattered” resistance in 1941.

As France commemorates Monday, May 8, 1945, the date of the victory of the Allied forces over Nazi Germany, Emmanuel Macron is expected at the former prison of Montluc, where Jean Moulin and other resistance fighters were detained during the Second World War. world. “It is important to remember and know the action of Jean Moulin”, underlines on franceinfo Sylvie Zaidman, director of the Paris Liberation Museum – General Leclerc Museum – Jean Moulin Museum. It recalls the role that Jean Moulin had in the organization of the Resistance “scattered and scattered in 1941”.

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franceinfo: Why is it so important to pay tribute to Jean Moulin?

Sylvie Zaidman: What is important is to remember and know the action of Jean Moulin. It is important to put things back in their historical place, and to understand what this resistance to the Liberation of France brought. Commemoration is one way of remembering, but it is not the only one. Our work in museums and our work as historians is to recontextualize and provide elements of understanding. It’s one thing to commemorate, it’s another to know why.

When does Jean Moulin join the resistance?

Born in 1899, Jean Moulin led the life of a senior civil servant: he was the youngest sub-prefect in France, then the youngest prefect in France. When he participates in the ministries, in particular of the Popular Front, something is put in place. He is one of those who clandestinely bring aid to the Spanish Republic against the Francoists. June 17, 1940 is certainly founding for Jean Moulin. He then sees surge on his city of Chartres [où il est préfet] all the refugees from the exodus. Let us recall that during this period of June 12-14, 1940, half of France was on the roads, eight million people were on the roads, completely terrorized by the arrival and the dazzling advance of German troops. This is where Jean Moulin decides to stay at his post and welcome them. When the Germans arrived in Chartres, they tried to get him to sign a protocol incriminating the Senegalese skirmishers for massacres they had not committed. He will refuse and stiffen up in the name of the honor of France and the army. The Germans molest him. He takes a piece of glass and he tries to cut his throat.

He will never betray France, and that’s what will guide him until his death, three years later?

This is how you really have to see things. From there, he will say to himself that something must be done and he will enter into a resistance. Charles de Gaulle will entrust him with the mission first of organizing the resistance. In 1941, it is quite sparse and scattered. He therefore went to the southern zone and settled in Lyon. He will organize the resistance, with a handful of resistance fighters. It is a political resistance which settles there, with links with London.

Arrested by the Gestapo in 1943, Jean Moulin was detained in the Montluc prison. The President of the Republic will go to Lyon to pay tribute to him on this May 8th. Is this, in your opinion, an important symbol?

What is important is to resituate the scene, to understand how this arrest was made. It took place on June 21, 1943 in Caluire-et-Cuire. Jean Moulin will be tortured by Klaus Barbie, he will then be sent to Neuilly-sur-Seine (Hauts-de-Seine) where he will probably be tortured again, before being sent to Germany. And it is in the train, around July 8 that he will die.

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