the director of France Terre d’Asile says she is “relieved”, even if “very problematic” measures remain



Video length: 7 min

Widely censored immigration bill: the director of France Terre d’Asile says she is “relieved”, even if there remain “very problematic” measures

The immigration bill was largely censored by the Constitutional Council on Thursday January 25. The general director of France Terre d’Asile, Delphine Rouilleault, is the guest of 19/20 info on this occasion. – (franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – S. Chironi, G. Bornstein

France Televisions

The immigration bill was largely censored by the Constitutional Council on Thursday January 25. The general director of France Terre d’Asile, Delphine Rouilleault, is the guest of 19/20 info on this occasion.

Thursday, January 25, the Sages largely censored the immigration bill. In total, the Constitutional Council partially or totally censored 35 of the 86 articles of the text. “We are relieved”reacts the general director of France Terre d’Asile, Delphine Rouilleaultin the 19/20 info. “The fact of finding ourselves today with the catalog of horrors, which the parliamentary right had introduced into the Senate, censored by the Constitutional Council, allows us to return to a debate that is a little more rational and calm”continues Delphine Rouilleault.

“There are a whole series of things that will continue to pose problems”

However, according to the general director of France Terre d’Asile, the text still includes provisions “very problematic”notably the fact that“we will be able to detain asylum seekers”. “There are provisions on unaccompanied minors which have been introduced into the law and which have been maintained and validated by the Constitutional Council”she adds. “There are a whole series of things which will continue to pose a problem, and which will contribute to the precariousness of foreigners in France”summarizes Delphine Rouilleault.

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