The diocese of Grenoble-Vienne decides to open its archives “consultable immediately”

The diocese, to which Abbé Pierre was attached, has in turn taken the decision to lift the period of consultation of the archives.



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Abbé Pierre, December 13, 1988 in Paris. (GILLES LEIMDORFER / AFP)

Monsignor Jean-Marc Eychenne, bishop of the diocese of Grenoble-Vienne, announces the opening of his archives concerning Abbé Pierre, accused by several women of sexual assault, according to information collected by franceinfo.

“In line with the decision announced this Thursday, September 12 by the Conference of Bishops of France, and in order to shed full light on the serious revelations concerning Abbé Pierre, Mgr Jean-Marc Eychenne, bishop of the diocese of Grenoble-Vienne, has taken the decision in turn to exceptionally lift the deadline for the communicability of the diocesan archives concerning Abbé Pierre.”explains the diocese in a press release sent to franceinfo.

Abbé Pierre was directly attached to this diocese. All documents added to the archives of the diocese of Grenoble-Vienne will be “available now for consultation by all authorized and accredited persons: researchers, members of the Commission of Experts announced by Emmaüs, and journalists investigating Abbé Pierre”the press release states.

The Conference of Bishops of France (CEF) had already announced on Thursday, September 12, the immediate access to all archives of the National Center for Archives of the Church of France (CNAEF) concerning Abbé Pierre.

Without this exemption, the archives would not have been available for consultation until 75 years after his death. According to the regulations on communicability of the Conference of Bishops of France, it is stipulated that “the general period of communicability is 30 years”on the other hand, “the period is extended to 75 years for files or documents containing information relating to the private life, career or intimacy of individuals.”

For any consultation request, a reasoned request must be sent to [email protected]

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