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This is the last straight line in the race for sponsorships for presidential candidates who must submit their case to the Constitutional Council before Friday, March 4. So far, only eight candidates have won the support of 500 signatories.
“We know that here, it supports Zemmour”. In this small village of Vindrac-Alayrac (Tarn), this tag is inscribed on the wall of the town hall. “It absolutely does not affect me, on the contrary, it reinforces the fact that it is important to sponsor”, says the mayor, Céline Boyer (without label). At the national level, the centrist François Bayrou also aims to bring democracy to life. His sponsorship will go to Marine Le Pen.
But not all elected officials view these initiatives favorably. This is the case for Damien Abad, president of the group Les Républicains in the Assembly. “My vote will never go to Monsieur Zemmour and Madame Le Pen.” According to the latest data provided by the Constitutional Council, only eight candidates have the required 500 sponsorships. The others are struggling to collect them, in particular Christiane Taubira, who only has 128. The candidates have until Friday March 4, at 6 p.m., to obtain 500 signatures.