Head of the LFI list, as in 2019, for the June election, Manon Aubry is left behind in the voting intention polls by several other left-wing lists.
Reading time: 2 min

Manon Aubry, head of the France Insoumise list, is leading a delicate European campaign. Invited on Wednesday April 3 on Demain l’Europe on franceinfo, she is estimated at only 6% voting intentions in the polls, her score five years ago. Manon Aubry is only in third position on the left, behind the environmentalists, and above all clearly left behind by Raphaël Glucksmann. In fact, it pays for the repeated excesses of the mentor of France Insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, his radicalization of recent months, his refusal to qualify Hamas as a “terrorist” movement after the massacres of October 7, and his guilty indulgence for, “Mr. Putin who does in his domain what he believes to be his duty”, in this case the war in Ukraine. Positions that exploded the Nupes.
A pure melenchonist
Manon Aubry has not distanced herself from Jean-Luc Mélenchon. On the contrary, it is because in five years, she has become a pure Mélenchoniste that she was returned to the head of the list, as in 2019. A faithful in a movement in crisis where all those who dared to use of a certain freedom of speech suffered the wrath of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. François Ruffin, Clémentine Autain, Alexis Corbière and many others were removed from all responsibilities. Manon Aubry, she carries the Insoumis line without qualms. Particularly when she denounces what she considers to be “a genocide in progress” in Gaza and when she welcomes on her list the pro-Palestinian activist Rima Hassan, who accuses Israel of carrying out a “apartheid policy”. All with the aim of mobilizing young people and the suburbs. There is therefore no question of freeing ourselves from the tutelage of Jean-Luc Mélenchon.
In the countryside, he is also very present on the front line. He took the reins and is holding more meetings. As if he feared being forgotten. Jean-Luc Mélenchon repeats it, he is not retired. So, he keeps his intentions vague, plays with the nerves of his potential successors. But everyone is convinced that he is already preparing a fourth candidacy in 2027. Moreover, Jean-Luc Mélenchon has bluntly announced that June 9 is being played out… “first round of the presidential election” ! A failure of the Aubry list would therefore be his and would reshuffle the cards. On the left, all those, including Insoumis, who dream of another alliance, rid of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, have taken good note.