the different health policies in Europe


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Our Italian, German and Belgian neighbors have taken much tougher measures in the face of the fifth wave. On the 20 Hours set, the doctor and journalist Damien Mascret explains Monday, December 6 why France allows itself less restrictive restrictions.

In Belgium and Germany, the increase in cases in recent times has been very significant. “However, if we look at the dynamics of the curves, we see that the number of daily cases is calming down in these two countries, unlike France and Italy”, explains on the 8:00 p.m. set of Monday, December 6, the journalist and doctor Damien Mascret. When we look at the mortality curve, we see that there was an urgent need to put in place more drastic restrictions for Belgians and Germans, “where it amounts to more than double the mortality in France and Italy”, he specifies.

So why such differences in French and Italian health policies? For the moment, the government of Jean Castex is rather optimistic because the vaccination rate is relatively high. “Italy, on the other hand, has decided not to take any risk, after having been very largely affected in 2020 by the pandemic “, recalls Damien Mascret. Rome therefore preferred to tighten the entry screw, rather than having to do it in disaster later.

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