the details of the “zero charge” bonus for employees, Éric Zemmour’s flagship measure


Article written by

C.Méral, J.-B.Marteau, T.Petit, J.Weyl, A.Kepeklian, F.Decominck, Saint Jore – France 2

France Televisions

Éric Zemmour promises a “zero charge bonus” to increase wages, which would be attributed to the goodwill of employers. The teams of France Télévisions have passed the measure of the candidate to the sieve.

To improve the purchasing power of employees, Éric Zemmour offers a bonus with zero social charges, paid by employers. According to the “Reconquest!” candidate, she “may represent up to three months of net salary”. The earnings supplement would be paid once a year, on merit, with no salary cap. “The company must be on an economic model that generates a lot of results, to go up to three months’ salary”warns François Asselin, president of the Confederation of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Some economists worry that it will not increase incomes. “There would be an incentive to pay bonuses at the expense of salary increases. To have credit, to have housing, it would certainly be more complicated”, explains Mathieu Plane, economist in the analysis and forecasting department of the OFCE. The unions are alarmed about the financing of social protection. “Social Security resources will have to be financed differently”argues Yves Veyrier, the general secretary of Force Ouvrière.

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