On France Bleu Poitou, the deputy of Deux-Sèvres, Delphine Batho, calls for calm after the clashes between demonstrators and police in Sainte-Soline.
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The deputy of Deux-Sèvres Delphine Batho expresses Monday, March 27 to France Bleu Poitou her “sadness” and his “anger” after the clashes which occurred this Saturday during a demonstration against the mega-basins in Sainte Soline, in Deux-Sèvres and which left several injured, including one seriously. The elected representative asks the government to “immediately end the water war”.
Delphine Batho (Génération Ecologie) did not participate in the demonstration against mega-basins in Deux-Sèvres last weekend. She believes that the human toll of the clashes is “dramatic”. A 30-year-old protester is still between life and death. Seven people were injured on the demonstrators’ side, 47 on the police side, according to an official count by the judicial authorities.
MP calls for “reserve and dignity”
Delphine Batho appeals to the responsibility of the government. “I am for non-violence, I have always said it and applied it to myself with great clarity”assures the MP Generation Ecology Delphine Batho to France Bleu Poitou: “I hear a lot of comments about what happened and I first appeal to reserve and dignity. There is someone who is between life and death, there are injured, some serious so that’s enough”
Delphine Batho does not wish to enter into the debate on the responsibility for the violence that the two camps refer to each other. “It’s been months, years that local elected officials have been warning about the escalation of violence that is underwayshe recalls, and despite this, the government continues to force through. Now it is his responsibility, I say this with seriousness, to immediately put an end to the water war in Deux-Sèvres by opening the conditions for a dialogue, it cannot continue like this”.