the deputy Guillaume Peltier targeted by a preliminary investigation

The Blois prosecutor’s office announced on Monday January 24 the opening of a preliminary investigation into the use of public funds by the deputy of Loir-et-Cher Guillaume Peltier, spokesperson for Eric Zemmour, after revelations from Mediapart in November.

Three months after the revelations, the sequel to the soap opera. The spokesperson for Eric Zemmour and deputy for Loir-et-Cher Guillaume Peltier is the subject of a preliminary criminal investigation by the Blois prosecution, the prosecutor announced on Monday January 24. At the center of attention: an article published on November 21 by Mediapart (paid item).

Departmental councilor of the canton of Chambord since 2021, he would have, according to the online media, employed collaborators paid by public funds from the region or from the National Assembly for private missions.

The economic and financial division of the Orleans Research Section has been seized by the prosecutor, and will be charged “to verify the exact conditions of use of these funds“, notes the press release from the prosecution.

No one is fooled: it’s a maneuver, I had already filed a complaint for defamation, reacted the deputy on his Twitter account. No political trial will silence us.

The hearing of Guillaume Peltier by the Blois prosecutor’s office will take place in the context of the presidential campaign. On December 9, he announced his support for Eric Zemmour, for whom he has since become the spokesperson. Two days earlier, he had been removed from his position as vice-president of LR after favorable remarks vis-à-vis the extreme right.

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