the deputy for Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon still flabbergasted after his attack



France 3

Article written by

C. Gascard, F. Fontaine, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon the 1st, @ RévélateursFTV – France 3

France Televisions

After a weekend of mobilization of opponents of the health pass and while the project of pass vaccine is examined by senators, a new course has been crossed in violence against elected officials. Stephane Claireaux, LREM deputy for Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, was attacked on Sunday January 9 by a group of individuals in front of his home.

Alone in front of an angry crowd, in front of his home, Stephane Claireaux, LREM deputy for Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, was attacked on Sunday, January 9. As he tried to calm the anti-pass vaccine, some have him violently thrown algae, stones and mud. One day later, Stéphane Claireaux is still shocked and testifies to his aggression. “It’s a lynching, a stoning“, he confides, moved.

An agression and an impossible dialogue with the demonstrators. These violence questions him today about his political commitment. “They were disfigured with hatred, I’ve never seen that. I did not sign for this “, says the deputy. In a statement, the organizer of the demonstration deplores the incident, while condemning, according to him, the chain reactions which aim to discredit the movement. In recent weeks, threats and attacks against majority parliamentarians have increased. The President of the National Assembly, Richard Ferrand, will meet on Tuesday, January 11, the Ministers of the Interior and of Justice.

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