the deputies reject the new motion of censure presented by the Nupes

It was the 17th motion of censure tabled in the Assembly since the arrival of Elisabeth Borne at Matignon. In the absence of the support of the LRs, it however gathered significantly fewer votes than the previous motion.

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The deputies of Nupes in the hemicycle on June 12, 2023. (BERTRAND GUAY / AFP)

Unsurprisingly, the deputies rejected, Monday, June 12, the new motion of censure presented by the left alliance Nupes. It was only supported by 239 deputies, far from an absolute majority of 289 votes. It was the 17th motion of censure tabled in the Assembly since the arrival of Elisabeth Borne at Matignon. In the absence of the support of the LRs, it however gathered significantly fewer votes than the previous motion, which almost, with nine votes, overthrew the government in March.

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In response, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne argued the “courage” of the government against “decibels” opposition and defended his record, as reshuffle rumors gather pace. “True political courage is to get out of the comfort of the posture” And “to build majorities, even with those who don’t think exactly like us”, she pleaded, on this anniversary of the first round of legislative elections a year ago.

The head of government, on the other hand, hopes to have consolidated her position at Matignon since her recourse to the constitutional weapon of 49.3 in March to have the reform adopted and after having narrowly avoided, with 9 votes, a motion of censure tabled in the stride. “We are moving forward with transparency, consistency”, she underlined, surrounded by many ministers who came to the Palais Bourbon. Elisabeth Borne, however, did not deny on Sunday that there could be a change of government team. “These questions are discussed with the President of the Republic”did she say.

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