The mobilization continues in Bédarieux after the suspension of an unvaccinated general practitioner. Its support committee has grown. More than 150 very active people to denounce this decision. As France Bleu Hérault revealed to you, this health professional who had been established for more than 26 years received a letter from Health Insurance asking her to empty her practice, remove her plate at the entrance and return all professional documents.
Except that his patients denounce this radical method. 22 doctors are in the same situation in the Occitanie region. Recently, the doctor’s patients received a letter from the Health Insurance, asking them to change professionals.
The commune of Bédarieux is impacted by medical desertification like a very large number of rural (and urban) communes. During the election period, the support committee wrote to all the deputies and senators of Occitanie. The answers can be counted on the finger of one hand. Only three responses out of the 200 letters sent.
A deputy from Gironde gives his support. But in Hérault, only one elected official responded to this letter. Philippe Huppé, outgoing deputy in this 5th constituency. But also Lewis Marchand, LREM candidate in this constituency.
“Medical desertification does not seem to worry outgoing MPs” laments Antoinette, teacher and one of the representatives of the support committee. She is disappointed by this weak return. “We elect people and we delegate them a skill, a power so that they can make the right decisions. Not having an answer on a problem as fundamental as today means that they don’t care or are too concerned about their re-election“.
“Our distress is important the further we go in time. Since October, we no longer have a doctor. Elected officials have the power to repeal this law, to adapt it to the context, to the different territories. We are not in a big city. The epidemic here cannot spread so quickly in the big cities. At some point, you have to have common sense. This is not the case today.”
This Tuesday, Philippe Huppé, outgoing MP for the 5th constituency of Hérault, candidate for the presidential majority next June, met with representatives of the support committee. The elected official says he is aware of this problem. “But today, the law is the law. Tomorrow we will see.”
“I answered them what the President of the Republic had said. Yes, this doctor will be able to resume his activity, but once the pandemic has subsided and after the election of the new parliament.” – Philippe Huppe
“The deputy has asked our doctor not to remove his plaque at this time.” – Gilles
This response from Norman does not really reassure Gilles, the doctor’s support. “It is a pity that the people at the head of our country do not mobilize more for such serious things. Departments are undoubtedly in more alarming situations, but we must act and quickly stop the bleeding.” – Gilles
“There is an emergency. The 1,500 patients find themselves without a doctor.” – Gilles
The mayor of Bédarieux Francis Barsse attended this meeting. He also supports Annie Labadie in her fight: ”This law is abnormal” specifies Francis Barsse. “We need doctors from all over the countryside. And we are deprived of our health professional. If you have the Covid, you can return to work after being treated. She is immune. She did not catch the disease. Why couldn’t she work? Explain to me the logic of the thing.“
“Worried about this suspension, I wrote on October 18 to the order of doctors and to the ARS. The order replied to me by explaining to me that it was not competent. I am still awaiting the response from the Regional Health Agency.”
“We have ten doctors for a pool of 22,000 inhabitants. It’s not much. This reintegration is necessary and urgent.” – Pierre Mathieu
The president of the Community of communes Grand Orb is also one of the supporters of Annie Labadie. Pierre Mathieu says he remains hopeful. “I just hope that this reinstatement will be quick. This is the message we conveyed to the member. However, it has been several months since we no longer have our doctor. We will still have to wait. It’s more than a pity.”
Annie Labadie does not give up. She will follow the advice of MP Philippe Huppé. Not removing his plate of his office. The latter had already refused to empty her cabinet 15 days ago on the advice of her support committee.
At the entrance to his cabinet, another, more artistic plaque was hung a few days ago with a quote from the famous Brazilian novelist Paulo Coelho de Souza “When you can’t go back, you only have to worry about the best way forward.“
This Thursday, the support committee received the visit of Lewis Marchand, professional firefighter, LREM candidate in this 5th constituency.
– Annie Labadie Support Committee