Will the ax of 49.3 fall? The deputies start, Monday, October 10, in the hemicycle the examination of the draft budget 2023. The government is preparing in the event of “blockages” to have it adopted without a vote, a “forced passage” already denounced by the opposition. Follow the debates in our live.
Two motions to dismiss LFI. The session will open at 4 p.m. with the intervention of the ministers and the various political groups. The majority will immediately have to overcome the obstacle of two “motions of rejection” tabled by rebellious France. Then MEPs will look at the 2023-2027 budget trajectory. This first small programming text was rejected last week in committee to the chagrin of the government, which fears consequences for the payments of European funds to France.
Some 3,000 amendments to consider. The Assembly will begin at best on Tuesday to tackle the some 3,000 amendments tabled on this first part of the finance bill (PLF), which includes in particular a “tariff shield” of 45 billion euros in the face of the explosion energy prices.
An inevitable 49.3. Too expensive for the right, “austerity” for the left, “submitted” in Brussels according to the RN: the oppositions have ruled out supporting this 2023 budget. The “Bercy dialogues”, organized in September by the government with deputies from all sides, have not changed anything. Recourse to Article 49.3 of the Constitution therefore seems inevitable. In the hands of the executive, this tool makes it possible to pass a text without a vote, unless a motion of censure is adopted.