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The deputies voted, Wednesday, October 12, an amendment which plans to tax shareholders more when they receive dividends. The government opposed this idea.
Will large French companies be affected by a new system that will tax super-dividends? In any case, this is what the amendment voted on the evening of October 12 in the National Assembly provides, with 227 votes for and 88 votes against. The text, proposed by the MoDem, plans to tax shareholders more when they receive dividends.
Currently, companies are taxed at 30%. In 2023, this would rise to 35% if its dividends are 20% higher than the average of the last five years. “It is a very simple amendment in reality, which will encourage companies to invest or pay salaries rather than paying dividends to shareholders.“, explains Erwan Balanant, MoDem deputy of Finistère. The text was adopted by deputies from all sides. Only large companies are affected. This marks a setback for the government: 19 of its deputies adopted it. However, he had clearly called for a vote against. It remains to be seen whether the amendment will be retained in the final text.