the department placed in orange vigilance for thunderstorms and heavy rain

“Beware therefore of the significant accumulations of rain in places and also of the risk of lightning strikes”, warns the Météo France bulletin.

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The island of Grande-Terre in Guadeloupe, March 29, 2021. (ROSINE MAZIN / MAZIN ROSINE)

Guadeloupe was placed Wednesday, June 28 in orange vigilance for heavy rains and thunderstorms by Météo France. The alert is in progress until Thursday noon according to the report of Météo France. “Beware therefore of the significant accumulations of rain in places and also of the risk of lightning strikes”warns Météo France.

“The weather is unstable, humid and stormy with heavy rains and showers, especially in the Basse-Terre area”, where streets are flooded. These showers will intensify “over the hours by spreading throughout the Archipelago”.

“Inquire before undertaking a trip and be very careful. Avoid mountain walks and hikes in reliefadvises Météo France. If your home may be threatened by a landslide, leave it or be prepared to evacuate it quickly.”

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