The department of Seine St-Denis is launching a culinary competition to highlight its diversity

To your stoves! The department of Seine St-Denis is launching this Saturday her first culinary competition. The name, “World Cuisines of the World Championship”, is a nod to the diversity of the territory and its inhabitants. Registrations are already open. They can be sent until July 6 on the In Seine St-Denis brand website.

Open to amateurs and professionals

Two categories are offered. The first, “Family Recipes”, is reserved for amateurs. It is played as a duo, with two members of the same family, one of the two must be between the ages of 10 and 25 and live in the department. Their creation should echo their personal history. The second category, “Cooking and creation”, is also open to a pair. One must be an artist (designer, photographer, visual artist…), the other a restoration professional. At least one of them must have a strong link with Seine-St-Denis (whether they live there, work there or grew up there). The regulations specify that the proposed set must be innovative, “combining an artistic approach with the creation of a dish made in 93“.

After a pre-selection on file, a semi-final will take place mid-September in St-Ouen. The final is scheduled for the end of September, in Zone sensible, an urban farm located in St-Denis. Among the rewards to win: set of dishes, cooking tool, restaurant meal and cooking class.

source site-38