the department of Mayenne releases more than 350,000 for this season

The department of Mayenne announces this Monday evening in a press release that it is releasing 352,376 euros to support the return of Stade Lavallois to Ligue 2 this season, including “10,000 euros for the development of the women’s pole”can we read.

Olivier Richefou announced it

The president of the departmental council, Olivier Richefou, had announced on our antennawhen he was the guest of the morning of Tuesday, June 28. “We are going to support this rise in Ligue 2”he said at the microphone of France Bleu Mayenne, “and if my colleagues on the board follow the proposal, we will increase our participation in the club by 110,000 euros, including 10,000 euros in women’s football”.

Something promised, something due therefore, even if this subsidy was not mentioned in session this Monday during the vote on the supplementary budget for the year 2022 on the Sport and Culture section. “After a season to shine on the lawn of the national championship, the Departmental Council, historical partner, is developing its partnership and its financial support for the Stade Lavallois Mayenne Football Club”confirms the department.

The women’s section highlighted

The statement emphasizes on the development of the women’s section of Stade Lavallois, who adds that “two additional graduate educators” will follow the women’s section. “This grant will make it possible to develop equity in the departmental practice of sport and the level of women’s teams in Mayenne”concludes the department, which will offer places for the first two Ligue 2 matches to young people accompanied by child protection.

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