The Department of Ardèche victim of a large-scale cyberattack

“The internal computer system of the departmental community is temporarily immobilized” Explain the Department of Ardèche, victim of a cyberattack this Wednesday, April 6. Concretely, the internal computer network is blocked, preventing certain tasks of the departmental services.

It’s not all settled yet this Wednesday evening. In a press release, the Department indicates that the “IT teams are fully mobilized to identify the source of problems and resolve them in order to restore network information systems as quickly as possible.” However, it is specified that measures have been taken to prevent the cyberattack from affecting the entire network.

No data theft assures the Department

“The immobilization of computer networks does not affect users. The investigation that we have carried out has not found any data leaks to date. completes the press release sent this Wednesday evening, “organizational measures have been put in place to ensure the continuity of public service”.

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