the department facing a future wave of Covid-19



Article written by

S. Soubane, N. Coadou, P. Wursthorn, V. Castel – France 2

France Televisions

The inhabitants of Lot-et-Garonne are among the most exposed to a fifth wave of Covid-19, after the explosion in the incidence rate in less than a month.

An incidence rate tripled in the space of a month and a fifth wave of coronavirus approaching for residents of Lot-et-Garonne. The department is one of the most at risk in France, which worries residents, also tired of a situation that has been repeating itself for months. “It’s endless, it’s never over”, says a resident. Although many residents are vaccinated, the incidence rate fell from 29 to 97 cases per 100,000 population between October 18 and October 11. November.

For health specialists, only vaccination could slow down the progression of the incidence rate, or even reduce it. In the town of Nérac, vaccinations are continuing, especially for seniors, who need a third booster dose. “Acquired immunity does not last over time”, remember Gaetane Carion, referent director of the vaccination site of the hospital ofAgen-Nerac.


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