The demonstration against gender-based and sexual violence looks like 400 people in Metz

400 people marched this Saturday afternoon in the city center of Metz to fight against gender-based and sexual violence. “It is still important to demonstrate because, as we can see, there is still so much disparity between men and women, explains Eva Volatier, president of Dare to Feminism 57, one of the associations at the origin of the demonstration. Especially when we know that, for the moment, this year, 101 women have died under the blows of their spouse or their ex-spouse. “

I think that the issue of violence against women must come back more prominently in public debates, especially in the run-up to the presidential elections.

The procession left the Pompidou center to reach the court square. Among the demonstrators, feminist and LGBT + associations such as Nous tous and Couleurs Gaies, but also many trade unions and even political organizations. As well as families. Nina came with her husband and her son “I think that the issue of violence against women must come back more prominently in public debates, she explains. Especially in the run-up to the presidential elections. And for that, we need allies, more people sensitized to these questions “.

101 women who died this year under the blows of a spouse or ex-spouse

During the demonstration, a stop was planned in front of the Metz station, with a punch action: some of the demonstrators stretched out on the ground, while a woman reads, at the microphone, one by one, the names of the 101 women who died under the blows of their spouse or their ex-spouse. “The goal is that we remember them, and also that we pay homage to them, finally ‘femmage’ as we say”, explains Eva Volatier.

On the ground, accompanied by his wife and his 7-year-old daughter, is Céline. For her, it was very important to come with her “So that she knows that, just because you’re a woman doesn’t mean you have to put up with violence, she hopes. Then, this teaching, she will do with it what she wants, but for the moment, I find it important to transmit these values ​​to her. “

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