the dematerialized version soon available on the France Identity application, indicates the National Agency for Secure Titles

This new application will be available in three departments by the end of the year: Eure-et-Loir, Rhône and Hauts-de-Seine. It will be accessible everywhere in France at the beginning of 2024.

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The beta (test) version of the France Identity app is experiencing erratic behavior with the last three generations of iPhone.  (FRANCE IDENTITY)

A dematerialized version of the driving license will soon be available on the France Identity application, via smartphones, learned Tuesday, May 16, franceinfo from the National Agency for Secure Securities (ANTS), confirming information from the newspaper Le Parisien.

This new France Identity is currently being tested by several thousand French people, it will be introduced before the end of this year in three pilot departments, said ANTS. These are the Rhône, Hauts-de-Seine and Eure-et-Loir. The device will be generalized at the beginning of 2024. Everyone will therefore be able to import a digital copy considered to be in conformity with their driving licence.
This digitized version may be presented to the police in the event of an inspection. They will be able to check by scanning it if the permit is still in force.

The same procedure can then be applied to the identity card, which should allow in 2024 to leave home, drive, go to vote without his wallet, but with his smartphone. However, to go abroad, only the physical versions of the driver’s license and identity card will be valid.

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