the deficit should decrease further in 2023 and reach 6.8 billion euros

The improvement will mainly benefit the health branch, in particular thanks to the reduction in the bill due to Covid-19.

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The recovery of social security accounts continues. After the abysmal record of 2020 (nearly 39 billion), the deficit will further reduce significantly in 2023, to 6.8 billion euros, against 17.8 billion expected this year, according to the draft law of financing of Social Security that AFP was able to consult on Sunday, September 25.

Despite the slowdown in growth, the government is counting on more dynamic revenue than expenditure, with contributions boosted by inflation and rising wages. The improvement will mainly benefit the health branch, whose losses will be reduced from around 20 billion in 2022 to 6.5 billion in 2023.

This result is however largely due to the melting of the Covid-19 bill, which would drop from more than 11 billion to only 1 billion next year. Beyond this deadline, the deficit in the health branch would continue to decline at a much more moderate pace, to stand at 2.6 billion in 2026.

Conversely, the old-age branch should quickly plunge again: close to equilibrium this year (-1.7 billion), it should widen its losses to 13.6 billion in 2026. however, includes no pension reform measures, while the executive is considering introducing an increase in the legal age or the contribution period through an amendment.

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