Among these 90 referrals, four are “own referrals”, that is to say that the Defender of Rights took up the examination of facts that occurred during demonstrations.
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The Defender of Rights, Claire Hédon, has received 90 referrals since the start of the mobilization against the pension reform, she announced on Tuesday April 4 at franceinfo. These referrals concern people claiming to be victims or witnesses of violence by the police, deprivation of liberty in traps or arrests followed by police custody.
>> Referral, investigation, sanctions … Four questions about the IGPN, seized after accusations of violence by the Brav-M
Of these 90 referrals, four are automatic referrals, ie internal referrals. These four internal complaints concern a homeless person in Bastille knocked down by the police, a demonstrator who is run over by a Brav-M motorcycle and the two demonstrators seriously injured during the demonstration in Sainte-Soline. “A fairly substantial number”assures Claire Hédon to franceinfo.
Since the use of 49.3 by the government on March 16, around sixty people have contacted the Defender of Rights. On March 27, 65 referrals had been counted by Claire Hédon. “We will have to de-escalate the violence. It is the responsibility of the State”she said on Twitter.