“The decision will not be taken before January”, assures Gabriel Attal

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10h59 : The strike continues against the health pass in Guadeloupe. Several blockages disrupted access to the Pointe-à-Pitre University Hospital and traffic on certain roads yesterday. In Guadeloupe, mistrust has been strong towards the authorities since the chlordecone scandal. (CARLA BERNHARDT / AFP)

10:44 am : Hello, you are not the only one wondering about this, especially since we hear anything and everything. In the last week of October (which is the most recent for which I have all the data at hand), the number of critical care admissions was three per one million people fully vaccinated. This population represents 42% of people admitted to critical care and 48% of people admitted to conventional hospitalization. At this stage, we can therefore say to ourselves: but what is the point of being vaccinated?

But to get an idea of ​​the effectiveness of the vaccine, you have to compare the number of hospitalizations against the general populations of vaccinated and unvaccinated. However, the vaccinated represent 86% of the population aged 20 and over. Thus, for a comparable population size, there are approximately 9 times more critical care admissions among unvaccinated people than among those who are fully vaccinated aged 20 and over.

10:24 am : Hello, can you tell us if it is correct that there are more patients vaccinated than unvaccinated covid, in urgent cases in the hospital, in France, and especially tell us why. Thank you. And well done for your work

10:44 am : Children soon to be vaccinated against Covid-19? We don’t wait for a decision “before the start of 2022”, assured Gabriel Attal, the government spokesman, on LCI.

9:50 a.m. : Hello @New wave, this is indeed what the government spokesperson, Gabriel Attal, announced this morning on LCI. Vaccination centers, which had closed at the end of the summer after six months of a mass vaccination campaign, will “resume an activity” to help with the booster dose.

09:49 : Hello. Will the announcement of the 5th wave of covid lead to the reopening of vaccination centers that have been closed? I only find appointments in my department … at the end of January 2022 while my 3rd reminder should be done at the end of December

6:37 a.m. : The stands of the Australian Open, which will take place in January, may be full, announce the authorities in Melbourne, who have started to lift the restrictions intended to curb the Covid-19 pandemic.

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