the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union sends “important messages”, according to Amnesty International France

A ruling from the Court of Justice of the European Union allows any Afghan woman to claim refugee status in the 27 Member States


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An activist from the NGO Amnesty International during a demonstration in Paris. (XOSE BOUZAS / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP)

“It’s a decision that sends important messages”reacts Diane Fogelman, specialist in issues relating to migration at Amnesty International France, on franceinfo, Friday October 4, after the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union allowing any Afghan woman to claim refugee status in the 27 Member States.

The NGO’s advocacy officer welcomes a decision “consistent with what Amnesty has documented for a long time” on “the Taliban’s war against women”which constitutes, according to her, “a crime against humanity”.

Diane Fogelman specifies that in France “Afghan women obtain self-protection under asylum”particularly since a decision by the National Court of Asylum (CNDA) dating from this summer. “Legally, these women face such levels of persecution that they deserve protection simply because they are women and because they are Afghan.”she adds.

The advocacy officer notes, however, that “the first difficulty for these women is to reach the gates of France”. “These women are often stuck in countries bordering Afghanistan and only obtain visas sparsely”she continues. “We once again ask that the French authorities facilitate the issuance of visas to Afghan women and girls who are fleeing their country”says Diane Fogelman.

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