The debate over the oath to King Charles III raises “legitimate questions”, according to Conservative leader Éric Duhaime.

Quebec MPs should have “the free choice” to decide whether to take the oath to the king or not, during their swearing-in, according to the leader of the conservative party Éric Duhaime, whose position contrasts with the attachment of the federal conservatives to the monarchy.

“It’s a legitimate question. I say it often, I’m someone who appreciates freedom of choice and I think it’s a good question, a question that is relevant, ”said Mr. Duhaime during a press briefing on Wednesday morning.

In addition to the Parti Québécois, the elected representatives of Québec solidaire have revealed that they, too, intend to refuse to take the oath to King Charles III.

“MPs should have the free choice to decide whether or not they should swear allegiance to the king,” also mentioned the Conservative leader, adding, however, that Quebecers had other priorities such as the fight against inflation.

“God Save the King”

In Ottawa, Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives have not taken a clear position on the question of the oath to the king. However, the party’s attachment to the British monarchy has often been reflected in their activities.

For example, when Mr. Poilievre won the leadership race in September, the organizers played an instrumental version of the God Save the King and projected images of Elizabeth II onto a giant screen. The queen’s death had also forced the party to revise its plans for the event.

During his time in power, Stephen Harper’s government also replaced the works of Alfred Pellan in the Foreign Office with portraits of the Queen and ordered that the portrait of the Sovereign also be hung in all embassies. of Canada abroad.

With the collaboration of Marie Vastel

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