the death toll rises to 57


Video length: 1 min

Earthquake in Japan: death toll rises to 57

Earthquake in Japan: death toll rises to 57 – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – Chalvron, @revelateursFTV, J.Cohen-Olivieri

France Televisions

Rescuers are still looking for possible victims of the earthquakes in Japan. The death toll rose to 57.

The small coastal town of Wajima (Japan) has been turned into a field of ruins. A few buildings are still standing among the smoking debris. A six-story building was literally knocked to the ground by the force of the earthquake, which occurred on January 1, around 4 p.m. Tremors measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale shook the earth, causing impressive waves.

“Everything collapsed”

Miki Kobayahi, back at home, can only see the damage. “Everything in my house has collapsed, it’s not just upside down. The wall has collapsed, you can see through the rooms. I don’t think I can come here anymore.” Many boats were overturned at sea, others were thrown onto dry land by the force of the waves. More than 30,000 homes are still without electricity, several towns no longer have access to drinking water. Lines of people come to fill water containers. In the midst of this chaos, firefighters search for possible victims and try to put out the fires. According to the authorities, the death toll is currently 57.

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