“The day too many has arrived”, reacts the mayor of Calais

The European border agency Frontex will deploy a coastal surveillance plane on Wednesday to intercept migrant boats. An announcement that does not satisfy Natacha Bouchart.

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“The day too long has arrived and the people of Calais do not have to carry on their shoulders the 27 deaths which took place a few days ago”, declared Sunday November 28 on franceinfo Natacha Bouchart, LR mayor of Calais, while a European Frontex plane will be deployed over the Channel from December 1 to spot the smugglers. The measure was announced by Gérald Darmanin, the Minister of the Interior at the end of a European meeting in Calais on migratory traffic.

franceinfo: Are you satisfied with this announcement?

Natacha Bouchart: This is one of the essential points that has been validated in relation to the deployment of a European Frontex agency unit on the entire coast and in particular in the city of Calais. We cannot be satisfied with this meeting, we can be satisfied with the exchange that took place today because it is highly symbolic. I consider that the day too long has arrived and the people of Calais do not have to bear on their shoulders the 27 deaths that took place a few days ago. We have asked too much of them for 20 years. I made very concrete requests.

What did you propose to the ministers with whom you were able to discuss?

I proposed to them the deployment of a Frontex unit and that was validated. I told them that it was imperative to create additional reception areas within the countries of the European Union in order to be able to provide shelter. I asked them for the effective application of the Dublin agreements with the examination of asylum application files for the country entering the Schengen area. I asked them about the adaptation of French legislation because it is imperative for reasons of firmness and humanity to be able to reinstate an illegal stay offense. When the illegal immigrants arrived on our coastline, they put themselves in danger, they were taken in charge by smugglers, migrants and activists.

The associations are asking for more accommodation solutions. Are you in favor of Calais?

It is not possible. We tried several humanitarian devices on my initiative which were followed by successive governments, but each time we could not manage it. So, we know very well that we cannot accommodate in our territory and our perimeter the care of people in an irregular situation because this creates a call for air. Therefore, it is imperative to create reception centers in France and in all European countries.

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