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Faced with the blocs of the National Rally and Lin rebellious France, re-elected President Emmanuel Macron must unite to form a majority in the Assembly national.
In the aftermath of the second round of the 2022 presidential election, the finding is clear. “We have a radical left around Jean-Luc Mélenchon and a radical right around Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour”, Explain journalist Nathalie Saint-Cricq, Monday April 25, on France 2. Emmanuel Macron declared after his re-election that he was the “repository of divisions and differences”. The Head of State’s program will be “focused on purchasing power, so as to break the fractures in the country”, precise Nathalie Saint-Cricq.
“In the composition of the government, we will see if there are enough hands outstretched to others. We still do not have proportional representation in the country so there is a risk of having a handful of MPs from La France insoumise or the National Rally in the Assembly, which would be odd compared to the results of the presidential election. So we will have to bridge the gap”concluded the journalist.