the daughter of Julien Tanti and Manon Marsault appears with her body marked, the famous parents suspected of violence… their cash response!

A few days ago, a violent argument broke out between Julien Tanti and Manon Marsault, the mythical couple of “Marseillais”. Manon Marsault would have since decided to leave the house again with her two children, Tiago, four, and Angelina, one, while Julien Tanti would have gotten closer to one of his exes… The mother of the children recently broke up silence about his departure.

“There was no disappearance, I will never play this because the children have nothing to do with the confusion of couples“, she said in the face of the rumors. Which went so far that the couple’s children were involved. Initially, simple images of little Angelina with marks on the body who have transformed themselves on the networks into traces of blows that she would have received from her parents. Faced with the seriousness of the remarks, the one who was the laughingstock of the web lately after speaking English to her children decided to speak in a very cashy way on Snapchat on July 18.

I just showed you that my daughter is being eaten by mosquitoes. Mosquito repellents don’t work. People who invent that the confusion between Julien and me is because there was violence and my daughter has marks… There, we have to stop freaking out, these are things that can be very serious. We will never be violent with our children. I’m willing to admit that it’s our fault for flaunting our lives in public, but from there to inventing that there was violence against our children… not at all what. I find it disgusting“, she exclaimed furious, specifying that their argument had taken place in Cannes, on July 14, without the presence of their two children…

Laura Bertrand

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