the daughter of François Mitterrand at the helm of a daring programme!

Mazarine Pingeot has more than one string to her bow. Recognized writer, the daughter of François Mitterand is about to start a career… on television. Next February, the latter should join LCP for a series of “great talks ” on “the philosophy of life”according to a press release from the parliamentary channel. “Parallel to the major interviews conducted by Daphné Roulier and Yves Thréard”Mazarine Pingeot will receive, on Sunday evening, the “great thinkers on issues related to democracy, the preservation of life, or global warming”.

On February 5, 2023, at 11 p.m., the author of “And the fear continues” will have the chance to speak with the philosopher Patrice Maniglier. Half an hour later, it is the sociologist at the National Institute of Agronomic Research (Inra), Jocelyne Porcher, who will join the pretty brunette on the set.

There is a change on LCP

This is not the only novelty that should upset the chain. Indeed, a monthly program presented by Daphné Roulier should also see the light of day. This one should be called “Mom, I stopped the plane!” and last less than an hour. “Built around reports shot on the ground and interviews with politicians and/or experts on set », it should notably welcome Camille Etienne, famous environmental activist, “in an artistic and impactful form”.

It is on February 17 from 9 p.m. that this novelty should finally land on LCP. The first issue should be entirely dedicated to a subject that has been in the news for several months. This is obviously “fast fashion”.

There is something new on the parliamentary channel, which has also inaugurated a brand new studio within the National Assembly itself. What changes!


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