the daughter of an ultra-nationalist ideologue close to the Kremlin, killed in the explosion of his car

She also showed her support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Daria Dougina, journalist and political scientist, daughter of Alexandre Dougina, ideologue close to the Kremlin, died in the explosion of her car near the village of Bolchiïe Viaziomy, near Moscow, announces the Russian Investigation Committee, this Sunday. His father was the target, claims the victim’s family.

Daria Douguina, journalist and political scientist, who also showed open support for the Russian offensive in Ukraine, was driving a Toyota Land Cruiser when it exploded before catching fire, on a highway near the village of Bolchiye Viaziomy, about 40 kilometers from Moscow, the statement said. The young woman, born in 1992, “was killed at the scene”he says.

According to investigators, an explosive device was placed in the vehicle, and everything suggests that “the crime was planned in advance and ordered”, underlines the press release. A homicide investigation was opened, adds the Committee, responsible for the main criminal investigations in the country.

According to relatives of the family, quoted by Russian news agencies, it was the intellectual and ultra-nationalist writer Alexander Dugin, 60, who was targeted by the explosion, Daria having borrowed her father’s car for this move.

Alexander Dugin, supporter of the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Doctrine Promoter “eurasist”a sort of alliance between Europe and Asia under Russian leadership, Alexandre Douguine, who influences part of the French far right, has been targeted since 2014 by European Union sanctions taken in the wake of the annexation of the Ukrainian Crimean peninsula by Russia.

In recent years, Ukraine has banned several of his books, including Ukraine. My war. Geopolitical Journal and “Russia’s Eurasian Revenge”. For her part, Daria Douguina had been targeted by British sanctions since July, with London accusing her of disseminating online “misinformation about Ukraine”.

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