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On the evening of Saturday August 20, Daria Douguine, the daughter of the Russian ultra-nationalist Alexandra Douguine, was killed in the explosion of her car. The journalist Benjamin Shadelive from Moscow, Russia, Sunday August 21, explains that Ukraine denies any involvement.
Daria Douguine, the daughter of the Russian ultra-nationalist Alexandra Douguine, was killed on Saturday evening August 20 in the explosion of her car. “If the Kremlin has not officially reacted, other Russian authorities have. Without providing concrete proof, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, here in Moscow (Russia), evoked a hypothetical Ukrainian track falling under “State terrorism”reports journalist Benjamin Shadelive from Moscow (Russia)Sunday, August 21.
“For its part, kyiv (Ukraine) has denied any involvement in the explosion that took place last night. Alexander Dugin is a prominent thinker here in Russia. So, is it for his supposedly privileged relationship with Vladimir Putin, Or for his very tough positions on the conflict in Ukraine that his family was targeted? Some of his relatives said so this afternoon in Russian media, but for the time being, the police have not made any official communication to this effect. concludes the journalist.