The “Daily” teams shocked by this extract from an interview with Pierre Palmade in which he talks about his death!

Until the light is shed on the affair, Pierre Palmade will be at the center of all attention. The proof, with the tons of angles covered in different media about the 54-year-old artist and his addiction problems. Indeed, since Friday February 10 and the car accident it caused, the ex-acolyte of Michèle Laroque is THE main subject of the news channels. In particular because of his addiction to cocaine, which he has always assumed. However, this drug partly led to the accident of which he was the author.

Since then, many colleagues have mentioned this same addiction, the dangers it can cause, and the moments during which Pierre Palmade spoke about it on TV sets. The opportunity for Yann Barthès and “Daily” to relay a passage from BFM TV, that the media would pass “on a loop” according to the daily newspaper of TMCwhich dates from 2019. A passage in which the 54-year-old artist frankly evokes his problems with drugs, alcohol, but also sex.

See also: “For her it’s intolerable”: Pierre Palmade let go by Muriel Robin … who regrets having visited him in the hospital

Pierre Palmade, overtreated…

“BFM, for example, broadcasts in loop in all its slices, this archive of 2019”, explained Julien Bellver in the show on Thursday, February 16, before launching the magneto. In this one, we can observe Pierre Palmade giving an interview to i24 and confess his addiction.

“Unfortunately alcohol and drugs helped me to stop judging myself badly as a gay man”he confides in front of the camera before admitting: “I became addicted to cocaine, alcohol, sex…”. “It’s really very dangerous”he recognizes before letting go, in a very serious tone: “it leads to suicide, depression, it leads… to death!”. A moment that shocked the teams of “Daily”. Not least because of the media’s “obsession” with the case explained by “leaping audiences” when the Palmade case is dealt with.


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