The culture of pay transparency is gaining popularity

(Toronto) Just a few months ago, Mo Hameed launched a TikTok account showing ordinary Canadians showcasing what they do for a living and revealing how much money that work makes for them.

Posted at 5:41 p.m.

Adena Ali
The Canadian Press

“I wanted to create something for young people, but also for other people who are progressing in their careers and who want to make sure that they are paid fairly, and just have a page where people can go and say, ‘oh , this job is cool, I want to know more”, explains the 24-year-old man.

With over 62,000 followers, the account has taken off. Obviously, people are interested in salary issues.

As the cost of living continues to climb and pay gaps persist, interest in more open discussions about income is growing, which personal finance expert Jessica Moorhouse says can help ensure that everyone is compensated fairly.

While it’s not all about the workers, she reminds us, there are ways to create and foster a more open culture around pay transparency, through relationship building, consistent dialogue and not to be afraid to ask questions.

“I’ve always found that the people most open to sharing about this are people of color and women, because we realize that we’re probably the ones who are paid less than others,” notes Moorhouse.

In fact, women earned 89 cents for every dollar earned by men in 2020, according to Statistics Canada.

Rachel Wong, co-founder of career platform Monday Girl, says pay transparency is a “huge topic” among her members, mostly Gen Z and Millennial women.

Mme Wong launched a social media series featuring Monday Girl members revealing how much they earn at work.

She notes that the series has resulted in a flood of posts from other members feeling inspired to open up dialogue about salary expectations and negotiations, as well as managing workloads.

“Some people really thought ‘wow’ when they heard what other people were giving for salary, and then ‘I’m underpaid,'” she explains. Some women worked multiple jobs just to be able to pay rent, and they were able to recognize that they were underpaid in their primary job, and had the ability to make a change to make their lifestyle more sustainable. »

Start a conversation

When it comes to creating space for more in-depth discussions on earnings at work in particular, Moorhouse believes having a specific goal in mind, such as getting a raise, is a good place to start.

It is possible to evoke the situation in which one finds oneself to colleagues, and add what one plans to do, by asking for suggestions. “And usually their answer will have to do with their personal experience, how much they earn, or what they know, or what other people earn. So it’s a different way of asking how much money they make. »

When looking for a new job or starting a career, Mme Moorhouse believes that people shouldn’t be afraid to connect with people who inspire them or who have a career that interests them.

Social media has opened the door for a wider range of career relationships to experience a unique departure from what was previously possible, she notes.

However, the important thing with this approach is to ensure that it is not transactional. Better to try to develop a relationship with the person you are reaching out to, than to ask for something from the start, believes Mme Moorhouse.

“Maybe there is a connection – a common acquaintance, for example – and then maybe it is possible to make a call about something related to his career. And then finally, you can progress with something like “eh, so I’m also researching for my personal knowledge around compensation in this industry and wondering if it’s possible to share information about it.” »

She adds that people have more power during the interview process than once they are already in a job. Since salary expectations are often discussed in interviews, it would be wise to use these conversations to your advantage.

For the self-employed, like Mme Moorhouse says there are instances where businesses and brands want to collaborate, and she advises people to build on the network they’ve built, again, focusing on themselves.

“Instead of asking ‘How much did you charge?’ it’s better to ask ‘How much do you think I should charge’? »

More disclosure among employers

On the employer side, attitudes are changing, with more companies being more upfront about wages as lawmakers demand greater disclosure.

According to data from Indeed Canada, 66% of new jobs posted on the platform contained salary information in the fourth quarter of 2021. In the first quarter of this year, this proportion increased to 68% and in the second quarter, it increased to 71%. In September, it reached 74%.

Indeed Canada also pointed out that 75% of job seekers were more likely to apply for a job if the salary range was indicated in the posting.

And based on a recent survey conducted by the company, 88% of respondents who said their company disclosed salary on their job postings agreed that disclosing it was beneficial in the process. hiring in a context of labor market pressures.

Since launching his account on TikTok, Mr. Hameed’s videos are already having a positive impact.

“Someone said to me, ‘oh, I’m so glad I watched your videos because I work in IT and I realized how underpaid I was’,” he said. -he.

And while he acknowledges that online resources, such as Glassdoor, can be helpful, he believes they aren’t personal enough and don’t reach far enough into the myriad of roles and industries that exist. .

“I always wanted a resource where I could hear real people. »

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