the CRS 8 company mobilized last night in the Val de l’Aurence district

The objective is clear: not to relive the same night as last night. From this Tuesday evening, August 2, around forty CRS from company 8 will secure the Val de l’Aurence district, in cooperation with the Limoges national police. This is the announcement made by the state services and the town hall of Limoges this Tuesday evening.

“We are on urban violence which is not acceptableexplains the secretary general of the prefecture of Haute-Vienne Jean-Philippe Aurignac, they are offenses to the republican order and to the equality of our citizens of the city of Limoges. The Minister of the Interior has therefore decided to strengthen the existing system with the mobilization of the CRS 8″.

This unit was created in 2020 by Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior. Its aim is to intervene quickly in medium-sized towns in the event of urban violence. Its purpose is to secure the perimeter of the district. “She will patrol explains the departmental director of public security Yannick Salabert. The public prosecutor issued us authorizations to search vehicles for this night from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m.

These 40 agents will reinforce an already quite reinforced system, with additional units compared to usual. As for the investigation, it continues with the examination of the CCTV cameras but also the findings of the police. So far, no arrests have been made.

source site-38